Even though you don’t always need to be at your ideal weight, being consistently underweight can lead to health problems. If you have pre-existing health conditions, being underweight can sometimes make them worse.

If you’ve been wondering how to gain weight in a healthy way, we’ve put together a few practical tips for you:

1. Have More Meals

Increasing your calorie intake is the fastest way to gain weight, but you should also know how to do it right.

Instead of having 3 meals a day, opt for 6 smaller meals every day.

2. Balance Your Diet

People often feel like they can get away with eating junk food if they’re underweight.

Make sure you’re consuming a healthy and balanced diet. Your diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals, nuts, seeds, and lean protein.

3. Drink Better Beverages

Regardless of your weight, you should avoid sugary drinks, carbonated beverages, soda, and energy drinks as much as possible.

Instead, choose smoothies and healthy shakes that are made with milk and your favorite fruit. You can even add protein powder, chia seeds, or flax seeds to your shakes for a healthy calorie boost.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is the other component in the process of gaining healthy weight.

When you’re trying to put on a few pounds, weight training is especially recommended. You’ll strengthen your muscles and find that your appetite has increased as well.

5. Snack Responsibly

Snacks are a great way of boosting your calorie count.

Have snacks that are nutritious and provide healthy calories. Nuts, dried fruits, raw vegetables, yogurt, granola bars, and cheese are a few great options.

6. Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Contrary to popular belief, not all fat is bad for you. Your body needs healthy fats for proper functioning, particularly for optimum brain health.

Introduce healthy fats to your diet with food such as avocados, fatty fish, and coconut oil. You’ll feel sharper and learn how to gain healthy weight while you’re at it.

Weighing scale and measuring tape

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