What’s the REAL Reason Why You’re Out of Shape?

There are always reasons you give yourself and others as to why you’re out of shape. Some are genuine, but others are just scapegoats.

I acknowledge your reality may not be someone else’s reality. However, if you dig deep and be honest with yourself, you will be able to tell between genuine reasons and mere excuses why you’re out of shape.

Are you using any of these excuses to stay out of shape?

If you find yourself saying some of these things, you may not know the real reason you’re out of shape, unfit and unhealthy.

1. I quit because I didn’t see any results.

Let’s say you decided to get yourself into a better shape or get healthier for some reason. Then you got into your exercise gear and hit the gym or the jogging trail. When you came back home, you felt a little hungrier than usual and had a snack. Additionally, you felt a little thirsty, and instead of drinking water, you took soda.

The next time you get on the scale, you find out you weigh exactly the same, if not more than before. Then you immediately conclude that exercise is not the cure for fitness, and quit.

In this episode, you have committed at least two sins against your health:

1. You forgot the important weight loss equation:

Calories In – Calories Out = Weight Loss/Gain.

2. When you decided to take soda instead of water, you not only added more calories, you also added corrosive chemicals, not to mention caffeine that may affect your sleep, which in turn keeps you out of shape.

2. I don’t have time.

We all have the same 24 hour days. But all things equal – factoring time for work, family, etc. – some of us will find time to work out, and others won’t.

When you want something bad enough, you’ll have to sacrifice something for it. I mean, stop drinking that last beer that takes an hour, and is unnecessary because you’re already drunk!

Cut half an hour from video game and TV. Work out at home instead of wasting two hours in traffic going to the gym.

3. It’s too late to start.

It’s too late to start what? It’s never too late to get in a better shape. Remember at this point we’re talking about better, not best.

If you can’t start by running, you should start by walking. If you can’t lift weights right away, you can do yoga or just stretch.

Don’t start by suddenly skipping a meal. Instead, make incremental reductions. As long as you have the patience, you’ll be amazed at how adaptive your body can be.

4. I can’t afford gym membership.

If you find yourself saying you’re out of shape because you can’t afford gym membership, you’re over-complicating things. The kind of activities you can engage in without a gym are so many, they require whole articles by themselves.

5. Who’s going to watch my kids?

You can make an arrangement for someone to watch your child while you work out. If you’re working out from home, you can watch them on camera. And depending on the kind of activities you’re doing, you can involve them.

6. I’m too old to start working out.

If you’re still physically active to move around, you are not too old. You just need to find the appropriate activities.

7. It’s too cold/hot outside.

There are some activities such as running, cycling, rowing, etc., that are generally better done outdoors. However, sometimes even layers of clothes with the weight are too bothersome and won’t even stop the cold air getting into your lungs.

Rain and thunderstorms may also be too harsh of elements for outdoors.

At times, you may find it too hot outside even when you barely have any clothes on. Dehydration and heat stroke are real threats to your health.

But these understandable reasons should not keep you out of shape. In case of extreme weather like that, you may find various other aerobic and cardio exercises that will give you similar results, albeit not quite as efficiently.

8. I’m too tired for exercise.

There are two kinds of tiredness – physical and mental. If you are physically tired, it means you’ve been engaging in physical activity other than what you consider conventional exercise.

You may have been working where you had to stand or sit in the same position for a long time or doing repetitive tasks that strained your muscle.

In that case, what you need is a cardio exercise such as jogging or yoga to relax your muscles and get back to normal blood flow. Sitting down only helps the soreness from the uneven strain on some body parts.

If you’re mentally tired or stressed out, I can’t think of a faster way to enhance blood circulation and recharge than exercise.

9. I’m not looking for a mate.

Way too many people want to be fit for the wrong reasons.

Scenario – Let’s say you attend a social gathering. While there you see this person you’ve always been attracted to. You head over to meet the person, but your inferiority complex stops you in the tracks. You think you’re too out of shape to introduce yourself.

On your way home, you vow to work out and be fit so next time you’d have enough confidence to meet the person.

So you hit the gym or the jogging trail with gusto!

The next time you get your chance, you discover that person is taken. Disappointed, you decide the gym and the trail are not worth the effort, so you quit – until next time you admire someone else.

Let’s even say you successfully meet the person and you get your prize. Then you mire yourself back into shapelessness because…well, you’re not looking for a mate anymore. OR you discover that person is not your type after all…

I know this is an oversimplified scenario, but if you observe enough people, you’ll be surprised how many of us want to be fit for the wrong reasons.

Longevity is the name of the game

As stated elsewhere, the primary reason why you want to be fit and healthy is your own longevity and/or survival. Everything else, including the mate you have or trying to get, is secondary.

Just concentrate on getting the shape you want. Mates come, mates go. People will always make comments about your body – you’re too skinny, too fat, too this, too that. Those comments, whether made out of love or hate, are a sure way to keep you out of shape.

10. It’s my parents’ fault.

You may be right!

A lot of times, parents don’t take their kids’ fitness as seriously as they should. Sometimes we regret mistakes and learn from them just so our kids won’t have to make the same mistakes.

When it comes to health and fitness, foundation is key, so we dedicate a whole section to just kids.

But let’s not lose sight of the fact that blaming others for your own health can only get you so much cover. Just because your parents didn’t care doesn’t mean you should stay out of shape as an adult.


Change is not easy! But don’t bang your head against the wall. Resistance to change is only natural.

The real reason you’re out of shape is that your mind wants you to stay in your comfort zone.

You know you need better health and fitness for your survival. However, it’s much easier to snap back in instead of out of your comfort zone. But your mind is also smart. It gives you cover instead of letting you be brutally honest with yourself and find the real reason you’re out of shape.

Unfortunately, too many of us discover the truth too late after a health scare or irreversible damage to our bodies.

Read: Build lean muscle with a home workout routine

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