Ways To Reduce Stress In Your Life

Cleanliness Can Reduce Stress

If you’re wondering how to reduce stress in your life, there are plenty of ways. And cleaning is one of them. Yes, you can reduce stress by de-cluttering your surroundings. It may seem like a no-brainier for some. Yet, the strong relationship between clutter and stress surprises others.

Two things are true. One, living with depression can often increase the risk of clutter. Two, studies show that the more the clutter that surrounds you, the more the stress you experience.

Living and working in a clean environment is a surefire way to eliminate or reduce stress from your life. You can either tidy up regularly or do a major overhaul of your clutter periodically. Either way, the moral of the story is the same. Less mess equals less stress.

It can be frustrating for many to keep up on household tasks. This is especially true for people who live with others and have varying standards of cleanliness. A good way to address this issue is to assign those you live with specific tasks.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to get some people to clean after themselves. In that case, the best way to handle it is to take responsibility for yourself and yourself only. Claim a space for yourself that you can easily maintain without the interference of others. Clean your own dishes, and do your own laundry. This will help you to wash your hands off a problem that can sometimes seem to have no solution.

Take small steps

If you find it difficult to keep up on household duties and maintaining a clutter-free environment, don’t worry. You’re not alone. You could very easily begin to improve. Take small steps at first to put a system in place that you can maintain.

If things are bad, start one room at a time until completion and have a plan ready to maintain it. Set rules for yourself using charts and planners. To further reduce stress, you should set alarm reminders for different tasks where possible.

Once you deep-clean everything, then maintaining that standard can be as little as ten minutes per day if you break it up into a routine. Then once a month you can begin to do a deep clean so it gets easier and easier to stay on top of the clutter.

Everything can benefit from having a good system in place. This can be especially true for motivated and busy people.

Do you have a hard time juggling your responsibilities, or tend to put cleaning at the bottom of the list? You’re not alone. You can significantly reduce stress if you move cleaning up on your list of priorities. Develop a daily routine. This includes making sure that the spaces where you spend the most time are as clean as possible!

Use Routines to Clear Your Mind and Reduce Stress

Speaking of routines, they are highly underrated as a way to reduce stress. Most high achievers follow good work ethics and high standards for their lives and environments. As such, they are often accused of neurosis and obsessing over details that don’t seem to matter.

However, if you pay attention to the people around you, the more organized they are, the more productive they become.

The key thing to remember is that we have to be realistic in our goals. That means leaving ourselves enough wiggle room that we can easily overcome unforeseen bumps in the road.

While it’s important to stay flexible, it is also important to keep up with the habits and routines that you create. Building habits helps our brains to get used to a new activity that can be stressful at first. Ultimately, your brain chalks up to autopilot. Thus, it takes much of the stress away, even if you don’t particularly enjoy the activity itself.

Build good habits

Good habits do not have to be enjoyable for us to begin finding comfort in them. Even if we do not like the activity, like cleaning or taking out the trash, for example, we can still feel a sense of accomplishment in doing them.

We reward our brains for the upkeep of a good habit. And once we get it over with then we don’t have to worry about it anymore – at least until the next time.

It causes incredible stress to the body to dread activities that are a constant part of daily life. Most times it is far healthier to accept that they are inevitabilities. This way, you can train yourself to deal with them promptly and efficiently, and move on to things you really enjoy.

So, first, accept the things you must do. Second, form habits and routines around them. This takes away the pressure of dread and anticipation and frees up your mind for the things that really matter. These things may include spending time with your friends and family and getting your personal goals accomplished.

So to eliminate or reduce stress significantly, embrace the power of routines today!

Use Meditation to Reduce Stress and Improve Your Life

Meditation is all the rage these days. So many people are taking advantage of its benefits and allowing it to work in their lives to create true change. Are you one of those skeptical people who wonder how sitting still in the quiet can help you?

It may seem like a waste of time to sit around and be inactive for long periods of time when could be going out there and getting things done. However, the truth is that being still and completely quiet is something that is often missing from our daily lives.

Bad things can happen when you don’t give yourself a chance to reflect on the things that are happening to you at the moment. It can lead to making the wrong choices or inaccurate snap judgments.

However, when we utilize meditation as a way to improve ourselves we let go of the troubling things. This way, we can truly open our lives up for better possibilities.

Stress is often a result of not having enough of a chance to sit back and smell the roses, so to speak. Relaxation can be a great way to improve your health and state of mind. This is particularly so if you are the kind of person who rarely slows down.

Meditation is a way to force yourself to take the time you need to shut down your mind for a quick reboot.

Guided meditation

Meditation doesn’t have to be a situation where you simply sit still on the floor wasting your time. It can actually be a great way to improve yourself and find solutions to problems that are plaguing you or your work.

Meditation can be guided toward self-improvement, achieving success, and problem-solving. Meditation can help us to focus on the things that we care about most. Some situations may seem impossible at first due to stress. But when you relax your mind enough, you may find answers to very difficult questions.

We know meditation works, not just from scientific studies but also from successful people in all fields.

Exercise Can Help You Avoid Stress and Improve Your Life

For many of us, the idea of exercising is more stressful than just about anything else. Many people jokingly imply that going to the gym is an impossible task and that they are simply happy with their inactive lifestyles. But it’s no joke that it can be mentally destructive to remain too stagnant.

Physical activity is one of the key ingredients in creating a healthy and stable life. There is a reason why many people dread exercise. They’re caught up in cycles of depression and self-destructive behavior. These cycles of bad habits often prevent them from making any improvements in their lives.

However, breaking through that depression is incredibly important. All of us deserve to live comfortable and stress-free lives. Unfortunately, some of us actively avoid physical activities that prevent and reduce stress. As a result, they overwhelm themselves with stress, negative feelings, and a sense of shame or low self-worth.

We can all agree that it is important to stay healthy. And that being an active person, within your capabilities, is crucial. We even encourage the elderly and disabled to engage in a range of motion exercises.

The how and the why of exercise

If you’re a person who enjoys exercising then you may already understand its powerful merits.

First, exercise helps your brain to produce natural feel-good chemicals that prevent depression. Second, just knowing that you are taking care of yourself is a great way to reduce stress. It gives you the confidence to pursue things you care about in life.

Third, exercise is simply great for your fitness and wellbeing. It allows you to effortlessly perform ordinary tasks that would otherwise be daunting.

There are exercises that everyone can do anywhere. If for instance, you have trouble with your knees, find low impact exercises to improve your muscles.

Overall, physical fitness is one of the cheapest cures for depression. While we can’t call it a cure officially, it is safe to say that it absolutely doesn’t hurt. Just be sure to soothe your body when you are starting out. We all have different levels of performance that can and do improve over time, so be patient.

Get Together With Friends and Family to Reduce Stress and Improve Your Success

Some of the most miserable people in the world are the loneliest. Everyone can agree that human beings are social animals. It can be extremely difficult to feel good without a strong support system. It’s great to know that people will take care of you and offer you assistance whenever you need it.

When you open up to people who care, they give you new perspectives you may not have thought of. Sometimes a listening ear is all you need to turn a bad and stressful day into the beginning of a new perspective that could change your life forever!

We can all probably remember a time when we were struggling. And only through the support or friendship of someone else that you came out of a difficult situation. Our instincts are usually to help each other out of binds and try to build things together.

Choose your friends wisely

Most of us would like to coexist harmoniously with others, despite our differences. However, there are also some people out there who would rather leave us high and dry than accept the ways we may differ from them. These are generally not the best people to include in your support system as they can exhibit toxic behaviors.

Rather, consider the people in your life who are always willing to give you a fair chance. People who are supportive and confident in your abilities. People who won’t put you down for their own satisfaction or because you don’t always line up with their ideals.

The ups and downs of toxic relationships have a huge impact on our lives. We do have the power to avoid them, however. You need to recognize a toxic relationship before it gets too far. Give yourself security by not basing your self-worth on anything that someone else says.

How to Turn Your Stressors into Success

One of the fatal flaws of the human race is a woeful lack of self-reflection. Many people never think that to know thyself is the source of true power. Instead, we too often go from day to day without knowing things that give us the most stress.

We let our emotions control us like pawns. The chains that tie us to our failures are often right in our own hands. Our minds and feelings can work against us and make us our own worst enemies.

The good news is that we can change this by learning to deal with stressful situations and people.

If we are our own worst enemies, we can also learn how to be our own heroes as well. If you learn the ins and outs of your own personality, then you can become a better person.

For example, success can be difficult if you don’t know your weaknesses. Someone may lookout for these weaknesses and use them against us. Your best bet to avoid this is to understand as much about yourself as possible. Don’t advertise your emotions to others. Simply learn who you are and how you are affected by the situations that you find yourself in.

How do you learn who you are?

Put on a poker face so to speak and learn what hurts you the most. Learn about the things that make you the angriest. Understand how you react to provocation. Learn how you can control these fatal flaws so that you are not constantly at the mercy of your emotions. And if you are already there, then more power to you.

The less affected you are by your outside stimuli, the easier it will be to achieve goals and success. And the more likely you will be able to reduce stress in your life.

Retreating from Social Media to Reduce Stress

Going dark on social media may lead people to think you’re tuning them out – for whatever reason. This may be true. However, it is actually healthy to just disconnect every once in a while. Unplugging can be a very liberating experience.

Sometimes, we preoccupy ourselves too much with the never-ending current affairs, gossip, drama, and other negative situations. We feel like we’re missing a lot when we get out of the loop. Or we feel obligated to give more to others than we are able to do comfortably. Thus, we’re unable to focus on the things that matter the most to us.

Social media can often be a draining experience for us. We are forced to compare our lives to others who may have had more opportunities and who have accumulated more wealth.

However, studies show that the fastest way to low self-esteem is to compare ourselves to other people.

Read: How to stop worrying about what others think about you…

It is a mentally, emotionally, and physically draining experience. We envy those around us even if we try to tell ourselves that we are happy for their success. And in fact, the fastest way to reduce stress may be to actually accept that everybody leads different lives. Also, everyone has different opportunities. You’ll have a good chance of having some genuine peace in knowing this.

Unhealthy conversations

Sometimes, it can also just be refreshing to be away from social media drama. People are constantly putting their opinions out there for the world to see. They invite and even provoke heated conversations about controversial topics. These topics include politics, religion, and other personal issues. And they tend to cause major stress for people who are simply hoping to catch up with friends or family.

Some people are always in a race to show how better they are than everyone else. Yet, others are busy putting out their dirty laundry for everyone to see. Just remember you don’t have to go through all this hell. Simply pull out of social media for a while, recharge, and reduce stress. You won’t miss much!

The Power of Taking a Break from Daily Tasks

Sometimes life feels overwhelming. Just the thought of knowing how much you have left to do can stress you out. You may motivate yourself to make great changes, but you find it involves a lot of work.

The stress we feel from our lofty goals can be a huge obstacle and actually stop progress. When our brains focus too much of our processing power in one place, they begin to burn out. This is especially so if you don’t break your goals down into smaller manageable pieces.

Instead of letting your brain burn itself out, you should take a break. But be careful not to confuse taking a needed break with procrastination. Rather, acknowledge to yourself that you need to take a time out for some self-care. While you relax, you’re essentially recharging for your next project.

Most of us don’t realize just how many different types of stimuli we are attempting to process. Consequently, we easily experience bouts of stress without knowing what we are dealing with.

We are always working on something. The best kind of work is the one that produces results as well as killing boredom. Also, sometimes a change can be as good as a rest. However, you should not guilt-trip yourself for needing some downtime.

Instead of feeling like you are not getting anything done, remember self-pacing is a function of productivity. Give yourself some time to stop, reduce stress, and smell the roses!

Avoiding Too Much of a Good Thing Can Reduce Stress

One issue some of us may face is overworking our bodies for fitness or just beauty. On one hand, we cannot overstate the importance of getting regular exercise. However, some of us become addicted to exercise, which can actually put extra stress on our body and mind.

This may be especially true if you find a sense of validation in working toward a specific body image.

To eliminate or reduce stress, you need to learn how to take it easy. Attempting to accomplish these types of goals can cause a lot of mental and physical stress.

Most people fail to realize that there is such a thing as overdoing it with their physical exertion. If you aren’t visibly injuring yourself, your instinct is to see no problem. Thus, you exercise your heart out.

The invisible damage can be fatal

Unfortunately, the things that take place in our bodies are often invisible. We do not get signs and symptoms of serious issues until it is too late. Constant exercising releases stress hormones into the brain. It is important to make sure that you’re are not overloading your body with this type of stress. It can ultimately be problematic for your heart or other parts, and sometimes even your mood.

It is always important to avoid extremes in any situation. Yes, there can always be room for improvement. But the best improvement is the one done with moderation.

You can still maintain a healthy lifestyle. But remember that your physical fitness is not a total reflection of your worth. It is okay to take things easy once in a while and still find value in yourself.

While it is always important to stay active, everything that we do takes a toll on us. We’ve all heard stories from people who are shocked when a loved one suffers a heart attack despite their peak fitness condition.

It is possible those people are guilty of overdoing it with their exercise regimen.

The purpose here isn’t to discourage you from exercise or attaining physical beauty. However, keep in mind too much of a good thing can easily turn into a bad one.

Avoiding Processed Foods Can Reduce Stress

Many people may not realize that when we eat, our levels of cortisol will rise. This is a relatively important occurrence. It helps our bodies to sort out the good things from the bad, and which nutrients to absorb. Unfortunately, this can actually be very bad when we don’t consume the right foods.

When we eat processed foods, the rise in cortisol levels in our bodies leads to a rise in stress levels.

Have you ever been in a bad mood without really fully understanding the reason? Next time that happens, first look at the food you’re consuming, and you may get your answer. You may just need to change your diet to eliminate or reduce stress.

Watch out for food insensitivities

Another thing to look out for is food sensitivities. If you have any sensitivities to foods or food allergies, your immune system may activate to fight off the problem. As such, it can cause your body to release stress hormones. This can leave you feeling moody and irritable, and cause inflammation in your body without your knowledge. So, you may need to know your allergies to reduce stress.

Do your best to grocery shop in a smart way. Make meal plans that include fresh and healthy food options. Avoid going through every aisle in the grocery store right away. Instead, consider simply going around the outside and purchasing a majority of fresh foods. It is much easier to make healthy choices if you are prepared ahead of time!

While processed foods may seem like a convenient choice, think long term. It may cost you much more than that to try to reverse the damage caused by unhealthy food. You know what they say, that one ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s no joke!

Final Note

When our bodies are under major stress, our moods tend to take a hit. Our bodies are very sensitive even when you don’t see it. More often than not, irritability and mood swings often indicate serious physical problems.

If you look at the symptoms for many diseases, irritability and mood swings are often early warning signs.

Our bodies know when something is off, and when our brains are over-producing stress hormones. Paying attention to your body will dramatically reduce stress and thus improve your life.

  • Learn to use stress management as a survival mechanism
  • Begin to explore different ways of looking at stress
  • Begin to manage stress better by acknowledging the power we have over ourselves and the outcomes we face
  • Learn how to manage your stress in a way that can help you to become the best person you can possibly be
  • Create the lifestyle of your dreams without the added negativity

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