How to avoid and treat injuries

As long as you’re physically active, you should learn how to avoid and treat injuries.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but one fact of life is that it’s not fair. But it’s not just for you, it’s for everyone. If you haven’t had an injury of any sort so far, you haven’t really lived. And I’m talking about injuries caused by accident or your own negligence.

If you work out and haven’t gotten injured, it’s just a matter of time. Sorry, it gives me no pleasure to say that.

Whether you work out in the gym, your lawn or your bed, the first order of things should be to avoid injuries.

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Your body is a system

To learn how to avoid and treat injuries, it’s important to understand that your body is a system. The reason why it’s called a body is because it’s made up of many parts. But that’s not all.

For your ultimate survival, these parts must not only be in a particular order, but must also be conditioned and maintained in a certain way.

This sounds like a no-brainer, until you look deeply and realize many people treat their body parts worse than they treat blocks in a game of Lego or Jenga.

Not to make light of the serious subject, but you should look at your body the same way you look at Lego or Jenga. As much as I concede some parts are more equal than others, you can only have so many parts bent out of shape before the whole thing collapses.

The other thing about your body system is that what you see or feel is not what is. When you see a ganglion or a swelling on your wrist, the first instinct tells you there is something wrong with your wrist. However, it may very well be that the swelling is just a symptom of a problem in another part of your body.

The problem may be in in the tight muscle in the shoulder caused by strain or dehydration. It may originate from mental stress that affects the Central Nervous System which in turn strains your shoulder, and then triggering the swelling on your wrist.

Why injuries occur

To learn how to avoid and treat injuries, you must understand how they occur. Some injuries occur due to collision impact from hard objects. But most injuries are a result of too much strain on a muscle or connective tissue in your body. The strain may result from impact, pull or twist. Injuries may also be caused by use of wrong exercise gear or equipment.

Think of your body in terms of that law we learned in physics that says “strain in a solid is proportional to the applied stress until the elastic limit is exceeded.” In other words, the solid part of your body can only be pushed so far before it breaks.

In other words, besides accidents, most injuries happen because we try to do too much too fast or misuse of equipment.

How to avoid injuries

There are so many things you do or fail to do that hinder your health, and ultimately, your survival.

Whether we’re talking about exercising or nourishing your body with the right food in the right proportions, you must take a certain level of care. Some call it willpower. Here at Finer Shape, we call it discipline.

We talk about discipline for food and diet elsewhere, but for now, let’s elaborate a little more on exercising. There are many ways to explain discipline during workout, but here are some rules of thumb:

1. Warm up – If you’re running, don’t sprint before you jog. Don’t try to run a marathon before you run 10k. If you’re in the gym, don’t attempt to lift 50 pounds before you know you can lift 20.
2. Wear the right gear – Don’t walk on dress shoes unless you have to.
3. Consult an expert
4. Stay hydrated – There is a difference between inadequate hydration, and dehydration. If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re dehydrated, and it should never happen.
5. Be mindful of the weather – Avoid working out in extreme temperatures.

Read: 7 Common Causes of Back Pain

How to treat injuries

1. Cross train – switch exercises. But remember, like we saw earlier, whether pain is in your calf, your neck or your butt, it may have originated from another part of your body.
2. Consult an expert – Consult with deep knowledge about your problem. It can be your a doctor or a trainer. Your coach is not an expert, neither is your mom (unless they’re in those professions).
3. Listen to your body – This is probably the most important one. Don’t force workout until you get to the bottom of the root cause.


Learning how to avoid and treat injuries can make the difference as to whether you get the shape you want or not. Injuries do, and will happen – heck, happen even while you’re in bed. Unfortunately, too many people mess up the healing and make the situation worse.

There are two most likely reasons why you make your injury worse:

  • Lack of patience – this one is big!
  • Lack of knowledge.

Further reading:

Learn the source, cause, prevention, and the treatment of back pain. Deal with your pain, lead a wonderful life, and live like a ‘normal’ person

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