What Is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying, also known as cyber harassment, is a form of harassment or bullying done using electronic means. It is an extension of the pre-existing traditional bullying – particularly the kind that exists among pre-teens and teenagers.

Researches that have been conducted show that – 

Despite increased awareness and anti-bullying programs by schools, cyberbullying continues to be on the rise. This is why you must be aware of the signs and know how to prevent them from happening.

Why Is Prevention Of Cyberbullying Important?

Victims of cyberbullying (or bullying in general) undergo several consequences, including struggling mentally, emotionally, physically, and academically. In a young person’s life, cyberbullying is the cause of extreme stress. The victim is usually left feeling upset, embarrassed, and even scared.

How Do I Prevent Cyberbullying?

There are no fool-proof ways to prevent cyberbullying in its entirety. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of being targeted. These include communicating with your kids about online harassment – what it is, the effects of experiencing it, and how it can escalate.

Furthermore, implementing certain safety measures can go a long way in being safe online.

If you have siblings, it is best to talk to them about using social media responsibly and safely and what to do should they experience online bullying.

1. Protecting Your Devices And Accounts

Password protections go a long way in preventing cyberbullying. Use password protection on both your devices and your accounts. Remember to never share your passwords with anyone, including a best friend. While you may trust your friend blindly, the reality is that friendships might not necessarily last forever. Hence, passwords should remain a secret.

2. Using Privacy Settings And Tools

Look up the different kinds of privacy settings and tools offered online. Social media platforms like Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, Tik Tok, etc. have privacy settings that they can take advantage of to prevent cyberbullying.

Sit with your devices and go through your accounts, and set your settings to the most secure one available. This includes keeping accounts private, preventing being tagged on posts, requiring permissions to share photos, etc.

3. Managing Location Sharing

Certain smartphones allow users to share their location with the people they know. This means that should they share their location, the latter will always know where the former is. Discuss with your child whether they can share their location and who with, if required.

Similarly, photos taken with smartphones contain geotags. This can indicate where the respective photo was taken. Cyberstalkers can use these pictures to determine a person’s location, even if they never outright mention where it was taken.

Refrain from sharing pictures when on vacation, since this could send out the message that you aren’t at home, causing a security risk.

4. Keeping Private Information To Yourself

Never share your phone numbers, addresses, or other personal information online. Similarly, you should avoid sharing where you go to school, especially with friends or other people you don’t know personally online.

Furthermore, make sure you understand that people online aren’t always who they claim to be. So it’s better to be safe than sorry.

5. Logging Out When Using Public Devices

Remember to log out of your accounts should you use a computer at school or in a library. Simply closing a tab isn’t enough. Should someone use the same device once you’ve exited, they could hack your account and gain control. This can then be used to impersonate and spread worrisome and false information. Your profile could also be used to cyberbully other people.

Log out of all your social media accounts, email, or any other accounts you’ve logged into before leaving the computer. Because once you lose control of your profiles, getting them back is a much harder task.

6. Think Before Posting

Cyberbullies tend to take what someone has posted online and use it against them. This is why you should always take the time to think before posting anything. However, it should be noted that if someone wants to use something against a person, it doesn’t matter what the content is.

But being mindful about what you post, can prevent you from becoming a victim of online harassment. Additionally, it is a great way to maintain a healthy relationship with the internet. 

Discuss with your mates that using social media is a privilege – and can be taken away should they fail to use it responsibly.

7. Avoid Responding To Cyberbullies

To tackle cyberbullying, remember to not respond to the bully. This means no replies, no explanations, no reactions, and no engaging whatsoever. Instead, take screenshots of the cyberbullying – this is important when it comes to reporting the bullying to the authorities. Tell them to speak to an adult should they experience online harassment so they can take care of it in the right way.

8. If You See Something, Say Something

Furthermore, talk to people you know to stand up for anyone they might know who is experiencing cyberbullying. Report the bullying accounts to the online platform, and if required, involve the authorities. 

Block all the accounts that are involved in cyberbullying. While it doesn’t eradicate the issue, it slows the bullies down from reaching out and targeting you or the people you know.

9. Talk To Your Peers

Being proactive against bullying goes a long way in preventing it. The first line of defense is always you. Look out for where cyberbullying is happening around you and intervene. Raise your voice, call out the bullies, reach out to adults you trust, and create awareness of the problem.

Set examples of kindness through your actions with the people around you. 

In an age where social media and online life have become the norm, it is impossible to completely block it out of your life. In short, you and the people you love should be able to enjoy the perks of social media while also being safe.

Related reading:

Cyberbullying and Other Threats for Kids

9 Things Your Child Should Never Do Online

Parental Control Software: A Parent’s Guide

Online Safety for Kids: A Parent’s Guide


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